*Image: Oscar Pereira da Silva, Brazil Discovery, Ipiranga Museum.

Anthropology and the discovery of unknown earthlings:

Anthropology, the social science that studies man, begins to become a necessary knowledge from the revelation of the existence of other humans, different and unknown, inhabitants of the new lands discovered with the maritime expansion in the 16th century. Travelers went to these lands far away to study and document its nature, leaving us precious documentation. These scholars were at the same time philosophers and scientists and imbued their observations with a philosophical consideration of man, while applying the laws of natural sciences to their knowledge. The philosophical bases of Anthropology were elaborated at the end of the 18th century, with two major reflections: the Essay on the origin of languages, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1781), and Anthropology from the pragmatic point of view (1798) by Emmanuel Kant.

However, it was only at the end of the 19th century that Anthropology was structured as a science in the strict sense, with two defined approaches: the evolutionary current, with Condorcet, Teillard de Chardin and Bergson; and the positivist current, introducing a measurement of man, with the anthropometry and physical anthropology of Broca and Franz Boas. Parallel to these movements, ethnology developed as knowledge of the culture and society of the conquered peoples, within the political and economic context of elaborating so-called “scientific” strategies that would justify their domination.

From the middle of the 20th century, ethnology reinvented itself and freed itself from the historical determinism that presided over its birth, while physical anthropology had already demonstrated its inefficiency in understanding man and justifying the domination of peoples. The term Anthropology, which previously designated physical anthropology and its ideological obstacles, such as the theory of races, today designates the human science that studies the fundamental laws that govern societies and all creations of man as a producer of culture and technology, becoming an interdisciplinary science, since the complexity of the human world requires permanent dialogue between Anthropology and other sciences such as biology, paleontology, archaeology, law, philosophy, history, sociology, linguistics, theology, psychoanalysis, etc.

[Anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro with an indigenous Urubu Ka’apor in the 1950s.]

But what is human has not yet finished revealing itself. We, terrestrial humans, with all the diversity and complexity that characterizes us, have been confronted by contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, which declare themselves to be as human as we are, and present themselves with a cultural, scientific and technological advance, far beyond our imagination. This fact places us in a historical moment analogous to the one that founded Anthropology as knowledge of man in the 18th century, when maritime expansion revealed hitherto unknown humanities, forcing the epistemological effort to systematize new knowledge. Although discoverers and discovered were all humans from right here, the lack of knowledge and the logic of economic domination of remote regions of the world led to great theological discussions about whether they were human and had a soul, thus justifying their enslavement to meet the demand for labor for the economic exploitation.

Anthropology and the alien paradigm:

Today, before the other cosmic humanities that have been revealing themselves to humans on Earth, we are in the same vulnerable position as the ancestral peoples discovered all over the world by European maritime expansion. The impact of contact with cosmic civilizations considerably amplifies the effects of encounters with unknown humanities, which we have already experienced on Earth. However, the encounter with extraterrestrial human civilizations obliges, from the outset, a philosophical reframing of the place and role of terrestrial man, in a position of scientific and technological inferiority, in creation and in the universe; to a deepening of self-knowledge in the face of the loss of its primacy as a species; and to the knowledge of what these humanities are, what civilizations they are about, so that one can relate to them.

Our sciences, whether exact or human, are at an important scientific juncture, as pointed out by the fruitful editor of this prestigious journal. Flori Antonio Tasca, in a recently published book, advances the thesis that the incorporation of the alien paradigm (Tasca, 2023)1, that is, the recognition of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations that visit us, becomes unavoidable for our science given our technological advancement. Space exploration projects humanity as a cosmic civilization and our technological advancement makes the existence of unknown human civilizations more evident every day. The incorporation of the new paradigm will necessarily lead to a scientific revolution.

It has been defining and imposing itself, in the field of Anthropology, and Ufology – which is, in our understanding, an interdisciplinary science in development – an Exoanthropology that is capable of processing the knowledge transmitted by the cosmic civilizations that visit us, affirming their human identity.

Anthropology defines the human species based on some of its characteristics: bipedalism, morphology, the capacity for symbolization, with the development of language and the ability to produce culture, science and technology, modifying its natural environment. The only feature that totally differentiates it from other forms of life on Earth is the development of articulate language, which evidences cognitive and mental functioning and then a form of intelligence that is specific to the human species.

A large number of humanoids present themselves to us2, not only asserting their human identity, but also presenting the characteristics that define us as humanity: bipedal morphology, articulated language – although in most contacts articulated language is transmitted telepathically – culture, science and technology, revealing affinities of intelligence, psychic and mental functioning that, if we cannot understand them because they are far beyond what we produce on Earth, are likely to be intuited and conceived in the current stage of development of our civilization, to the point that we can extract knowledge from reverse engineering, for example.

Extraterrestrials by themselves, breaking terrestrial anthropocentrism.

The knowledge of these exohumanities, in addition to observing the unidentified objects they produce, is transmitted to us through various types of contact, but, above all, through the reports of witnesses who were in direct contact with the representative beings of these civilizations and even claim to have visited their origin planets. When it comes to the transmission of a ufological experience, it is necessary to elaborate a method capable of at least circumventing the plastic nature of the human report, which recreates the reality of the experience when it has to transform it into a language communicable to other humans, the diversity of motivations that can lead a witness to invent an experience that partially happened, or even never happened.

[Lallá Barretto entrevista Rosa Abreu, São Luís, MA, 2016]

Our great curiosity is to know who these cosmic humans are: what they think, how they think, how long they live, how they live, what they believe, what they want and desire, what are the principles of their language, intelligence, science and technology, how they die? How can we validate the different information contained in the communications of alleged exohumans? Exoanthropology is interested in defining the degree of credibility of this information, so that when we establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations we have the proper references to these exohumanities, which allow us to leave terrestrial ethnocentrism, of what we imagine they are, based on ourselves.

The internal credibility of UFO reports: the agreement of information in different reports.

The elaboration of a scientific method is a work in progress for any science, and even more so for ufological knowledge, whose status as a science3 will only be achieved with the elaboration and systematization of methods. Throughout our articles4 we have been developing our methodology for approaching the credibility of reports. Let’s remember the three types of parameter that we defined to consider the information contained in a report as highly credible and, therefore, useful in the search for knowledge of these exohumanities: 1. external credibility to the report; 2. the internal credibility of the report; 3. terrestrial and extraterrestrial mechanisms for covering up the story.

We defined the internal credibility of the report5, taking into account the suitability of the actors involved; consideration of the credibility indicators of oral reports developed by anthropology, sociology, but also, and above all, by psychoanalysis and psychiatry, which developed useful markers to distinguish a delusional report from a report that conveys an effectively experienced reality; the invariability of reports over time; the concordance of information contained in different reports; and, a factor of the utmost importance, the consonance of the information contained with human rationality. In this regard, we are particularly interested in reports that bring information extracted from their science, in scientific language.

MS. Irene Granchi, the great matriarch of Brazilian Ufology, when publishing the account of contactee Lucy Gallucci, already suggests approaching concordances as a method, stating that “the reporter, Ms. Lucy Gallucci, is a person of complete reliability. Note that the occurrence was in 1954 or 1956, when no one among us was familiar with the issues addressed here. For anyone familiar with the case of Bianca and Hermínio Reis, this work will be the subject of confrontations and parallels.”6

Marco Petit, always a pioneer, began to investigate the parallel from 1980 onwards, working on the concordance of information contained in the reports of Lucy Galluci (1954 or 1956) and Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Bianca and Hermínio Reis (1976), confronting them with archaeological and paleontological remains to support his hypothesis of the antiquity and extraterrestrial origin of the human species. Petit is situated in the field of Exoanthropology when he states in The flying saucers and the origin of humanity (PETI, 2017) 7 that, “there seems to be a group formed by several civilizations, whose appearance and morphology of their representatives, when not exactly the same as ours, bear many similarities with man. Through contacts with representatives of these civilizations, contactees have received information about the extraplanetary origin of our humanity and migratory, colonizing processes.”8 The richness of this approach leads us to include it among the factors to be considered in our methodology of internal credibility of the reports, as they reveal the consistency or inconsistency of the information communicated by alleged extraterrestrials.

In this article, we are going to make a new parallel between the reports by Lucy Gallucci and Bianca Reis and the report by Elisabeth Klarer. From these three testimonies, the question of cataclysm emerges. Klarer and Bianca’s depositions report similar events. Lucy Galluci’s account refers to multiple cataclysmic events, not just one major event like the previous two. We will see that, far from invalidating the other two testimonies, Gallucci’s account completes them. The three reports fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle whose image fits the latest discoveries of paleoanthropology and archeology on our planet, an idea developed by Petit in The flying saucers and the origin of humanity.

Three accounts on cataclysms:

Elisabeth Klarer (1917-1954):

Elisabeth Klarer was born in South Africa and since 1917, at the age of seven, she had impressive sightings, witnessed by many people, which culminated in fifth-degree contacts, from 1954, with visits to a ship and a love encounter with a crew member, who identified himself as the astrophysicist Akon, from whom she claims to have had a son on the planet Meton, located in the Alpha Centauri star system, where she stayed for four months to give birth, in 1959. Elisabeth’s impressive report, Beyond the light barrier9, contains numerous scientific information consistent with quantum physics and the behavior we observe in flying saucers, positifying our main criterion for considering a ufological report interesting enough to inform us about the anthropological aspects of a civilization.

In our last article for CIFE, “Alpha Centauri: Cosmic Address and Extraterrestrial Cover-up” we again interrogated the scientific information in the report, confronting what was transmitted by Akon about the Sun, the solar system, and the Alpha Centauri system, with what our science knows today about the functioning of stars and the possibility of life in these star systems.

Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Bianca (1976):

Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Bianca was abducted with her companion Hermínio Reis, in 1976. Inside the ship, they talked with the extraterrestrial Karran, through a translation device, about religion and the extraterrestrial origin of humanity. Karran declares that he comes from the planet Klermer, which he places vaguely “at a distance not yet known to man from his Earth”.

Other encounters with Karran took place here on Earth, in places indicated by him. On these occasions, Bianca learned the Body Technique for the Conquest of Self-Consciousness, which constitutes the social impact of the contact with Karran, as countless people sought to be instructed by Bianca, experiencing the effectiveness of the technique taught to leave the body and become aware of the existence and autonomy of the soul. Bianca, due to the quality of her interest and engagement in the contact, became Karran’s main interlocutor, publishing The possibilities of infinity: from a 3rd degree contact to the Conquest of Self-awareness.10 We will deal with the information contained in this report.

Lucy Gallucci (1954 or 1956):

Lucy Gallucci was a young student from Rio de Janeiro, who spent her vacation in the city of Santanesia, in the same state. She was the protagonist, in a not very precise year, 1954 or 1956, of a very close contact, engaging in a friendly conversation with a being who, although he seemed to be an ordinary person, also presented many differences, which were not a reason for fear or apprehension on her part, instead transmitting peace and trust. This being is called by Lucy the Mysterious Friend in the report, as he did not say his name, nor his cosmic origin.

Lucy Gallucci’s main interlocutor for the transmission of her story was Ms. Irene Granchi, to whom she sent her statement in writing. Ms. Irene published the report discussed in this article under the title “Another model of contactee” in OVNI Magazine.11

Akon’s Cataclysm, Karran, and the Mysterious Friend:


“The Sun has, in the past, shown signs of its variable nature, the corona expanding with lethal radiation to engulf the planets, destroying all flora and fauna.”12

“Venus died in the last cycle of solar expansion, when all flora and fauna were destroyed by lethal stellar radiation.”13

“Our civilization existed on Earth eons ago, after we left the mother planet, Venus.”14

“Earth survived the last solar expansion cycle, although it did kill off a large number of the terrible lizards that thrived in the subtropical climate.”15


“Before your world was inhabited, we went to your Earth a lot of times and found animal and vegetable life there, but there was not yet human life”19

“We studied climates, environmental conditions and the planet itself.” 20

“(…) we decided to seed your planet (…): each planet brought to your Earth, not only people, but also plants, animals (…)”21

“(…) the planet light (referring to the sun) emitted a strong charge of energy that seriously hit your planet and your entire solar system.”22

“The people we had left here no longer existed on this planet and the generations that remained no longer recognized us (…) their neurons had been damaged by radiation (…) all knowledge was forgotten (…) all were stupefied and unconscious” 23

Mysterious Friend

“(…) there would have been a time when certain planets would have reached a degree of ‘overpopulation’ that (…) soon insurmountable problems would arise.”24

“(…) a solution (…) would be the mass exodus to planets of similar conformation (…) already with vegetation or animals in an early stage of life and thus ideal to be colonized.”25

“(…) Earth would receive people from 3 different planets (…) with different physiological characteristics, they could, over time, merge into a single race.”26

“My name is Sheron16 (…) My ancestors stayed on Earth to study the Pleistocene cycle of solar expansion.”17

“(…) over the centuries the environment of the variable star (…) had a negative effect “destructive, almost destroying the Earth many (…).”18

“no longer existed on this planet and the generations that remained no longer recognized us. (…) their neurons had been damaged by radiation (…) all knowledge was forgotten (…) everyone was stultified and unconscious.”23


Our extraterrestrial scientists, Akon, Karran, and the Mysterious Friend had as interlocutors people who, despite having culture, were far from mastering the scientific language of their time, the 1950s.From precisely the middle of the 20th century, the scientific and technological progress that we have today had an acceleration that led us to the development of quantum physics and the conquest of space. They communicated certain knowledge in language accessible to the contactees understanding, resorting to inaccuracies of time and space: Akon speaks of “ages ago”, Karran “of a time still unknown to man”, and the Mysterious Friend is even more vague in saying that the origin of each one is “the place where we were”. On the other hand, affirmations are recurrent, in reports with scientific content, of the difficulty the beings point out regarding the abyss that exists in translating their advanced science into our language, considered poor in resources, and also the care to introduce errors and inconsistencies to prevent our species from taking over knowledge that it would not know how to use.

Useless, then, for us, to look for a perfect match of objective information. However, the three convey, each in his own way, the same scenario: the cataclysms and their decisive influence on human life on Earth. Akon and Karran report similar cataclysms caused by solar activity, but they sometimes look different. Could there have been two solar cataclysms, in a relatively short space of time? And the Mysterious Friend informs about successive environmental cataclysms, which could be a consequence of lethal radiation from our star, but at a time when human civilizations were already developing on our planet.

Akon is the one who conveys more details about the passage of his civilization on Earth. He refers to our classification of geological time, giving indications that allow us to infer a time of many millions of years, which overlaps with the time of Karran and the Mysterious Friend. They all start from a time when there was no human life on the planet, only plants and animals.

Akon’s cataclysm was the same one that, according to him28, extinguished the dinosaurs, devastating all life on Venus, his planet of origin. We know that this mass extinction occurred approximately 135 million years ago, in the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era, in which other animal and plant life on the other hand appeared. The first hominids appear in the Pliocene epoch of the tertiary period of the Cenozoic era, 5.2 million years ago. This is the period when there was no human life on Earth, only plants and animals. Would it have been this space of time in which human life was “planted” on Earth? Akon’s civilization seems to have left our solar system for Alpha Centauri 1.6 million years ago, as he claims that they left remnants of their civilization here to study the Pleistocene, the time of the appearance of man, whose oldest traces are fossils found in 2017 in Morocco, dating back to 300,000 years. Here remained remnants of their civilization. Solar activity, considered variable29, had a negative effect on man over time, obscuring his mental faculties, making him a destructive species, driven by fear. These well-known human characteristics are indicated as a consequence of environmental problems caused by the Sun! We think this is fantastic!

Karran does not mention the solar cataclysm as responsible for the installation of extraterrestrial humans on our planet. Advanced civilizations, at a time when there were no humans on Earth, studied our planet, concluding that there were environmental conditions for life of people, plants and animals from planets with similar conditions, thus deciding to “seed” the Earth. It does not give any precision about the number of planets that were involved in this endeavor. Nor does he mention any other cause that had driventhese people to look for another residence.

But Mysterious Friend claims that there were three peoples of different ethnic groups, from different planets, who saw on Earth the same environmental opportunity reported by Karran, moved, however, by the imminence of an environmental socioeconomic cataclysm, overpopulation, which forced the exodus in mass to ensure the survival of these species.

For Akon and Karran, the consequences of the solar cataclysm in the Pleistocene were disastrous, forcing the former to move to Alpha Centauri, damaging the neurons of the humans implanted here, leading to the forgetting of all knowledge, making them brutalized and leading to a process of regression of their humanity.

The Mysterious Friend informs about successive cataclysms and wars, talks about civilizations that came and went, in a continuous process of regression of human capabilities.

Could the hominin fossils30 found by current paleoanthropology, associated with archaeological remains of rudimentary culture, belong to the survivors of these catastrophic environmental vicissitudes, when the human brain would have been seriously affected, leading to the oblivion of previous advanced civilizations?Paleontology has still not been able to find the long-sought missing link, the fossil that would establish an uninterrupted line of evolution towards homo sapiens. Quite on the contrary, it is a diversification of human species that has been discovered, and that coexisted at some point: Neanderthal man (Germany, 1856), homo Florencis (Island of Flores, Indonesia, 2003), homo Luzonensis (Luzon, Philippines, 2007), Denisova man (Siberia 2010 and Tibet 2020), to mention just a few certified and not venture too far into the complex tangle of research still in progress. The traces of these hominins were found in the Pleistocene from 700 thousand years ago.

On the other hand, paleontological and archaeological research has long questioned monuments like the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids, cities like Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, temples like Gobekli Tepe in Turkey – to name but a few of the hundreds of unsolved enigmas of human history – as testimonies to advanced technologies found at the same time as human remains are associated with rudimentary cultures.

This whole scenario allows us to think that groups regressed to the first stages of human culture in the solar cataclysm of the Pleistocene, and that many civilizations remaining from the extraterrestrial human implantation on Earth were gradually decimated by the successive cataclysms reported by the Mysterious Friend. These successive cataclysms are also mentioned by Akon, who always relates them to the natural functioning of our star. Our science has been unearthing humanity’s chaotic past on Earth, as Graham Hancock’s enlightening, fascinating and indispensable work restores to us.

But let’s get back to the point!

But our problem at the beginning of this article was not to trace any kind of chronology of human life on Earth, nor to prove its antiquity! Although we are passionate about this research, our problem was methodological: fine-tuning the credibility parameters of ufological reports, making a parallel between three reports that speak of cataclysms and their consequences for humanity, to test the coherence of the information between them.

We have seen that they trace a history that unfolds over millions of years, in a coherent and even complementary way. Once this aspect of the internal credibility of the three reports is established, we can turn to the detailed information of Elisabeth Klarer’s testimony about the human civilization of planet Meton, in Alpha Centauri: who they are, what they are like, how they live, and, above all, how they love and reproduce with other species to renew their own. The cosmic dimension of love is central to Elisabeth’s experience and is always addressed in most contacts with extraterrestrials. We will address this dimension in future writings.

Since Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to us and the objective of several incursions of our technology in the near future, what if we find these people there!

Rio de Janeiro, April 26, 2023.


1 – TASCA, Flori A. The Alien paradigm, revolution in the social sciences. Kindle, 2023.

2 – TICHETTI, T. L. Extraterrestrial Typology Guide. Campo Grande, MS: Ufo Library, 2014. For an excellent summary of the exo-extraterrestrial issue.

3 – See our lecture Ufology and Science, a matter of object, given at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), on 10/25/2019 and published in the international magazine Ufo Truth Magazine, Ufology and Science, a matter of object. See also Ufology: a science under construction or just a pseudoscience, interview with professor and researcher Fernando Moreira from UFSCAR, published in Ufo Magazine.

4 – See our articles “Long-term contact or they are already among us”; “João Donato Island and the Ummite Letters”“1st Degree Contact: Antonio Conselheiro (“Anthony the Counselor”) and the sertanejos (inhabitants of the backlands), about the witnesses’ report.”;”Betty Hill’s cosmic map”; “Exoanthropology: the search for other humanities”. [ www.lallabarretto.com, Cosmovni Magazine 01 and Cosmovni Magazine 02]                                       

5 – See our CIFE article: “Alpha Centauri, cosmic address and extraterrestrial cover-up”.

6 OVNI Magazine Document nº 7, Rio de Janeiro, April/June 1980, p. 6.

7 PETIT, Marco Antonio. Flying saucers and the origin of humanity. Limeira, SP: Knowledge, 2017.

8 Idem, p. 79-80.

9 KLARER, E. Beyond the light barrier. Kindle.

10 BIANCA, pseudonym of Maria da Aparecida de Oliveira. The possibilities of infinity: from a 3rd degree contact to the achievement of self-awareness. Sao Paulo, Kopyon, 1987.

11 OVNI Magazine Document nº 7, Rio de Janeiro, April/June 1980.

12 KLARER, E. Beyond the light barrier. Kindle, p.87.

13  Idem, p.87.

14  Idem, p.87.

15   Idem, p.87.

16 Other interlocutors, in addition to Akon, intervene in the story.

17 KLARER, E. Beyond the light barrier. Kindle, p.98..

18 Idem, p.87.

19 BIANCA, pseudonym of Maria da Aparecida de Oliveira. The possibilities of infinity: from a 3rd degree contact to the achievement of self-awareness. São Paulo, Kópyon, 1987, p.40.

20 Idem, p.40.

21 Idem, p.40.

22 Idem, p.40.

23 Idem, p.41.

24 OVNI Magazine Document nº 7, Rio de Janeiro, April/June 1980, p.7.

25 Idem, p.7.

26 Idem, p.7.

27 Idem, p.7.

28 The theory most accepted by terrestrial science attributes the extinction of the dinosaurs to the fall of a meteor.

29 Our science considers the Sun to be a very little variable star. See about this in our article “Alpha Centauri, cosmic address and extraterrestrial cover-up”.

30 Current taxonomy designates the human genus and its ancestors as hominins, reserving the term hominid to generically designate humans, chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans and their ancestors.

*Credits Images:

Image 1: wikimedia.org

Image 2: socialistamorena.com.br

Image 3: Archive researcher Lallá Barretto

Image 4: Self-portrait astridstark1

Image 5: Self-portrait pinterest

Image 6: Purely illustrative image pinterest