*Image: EBE (extraterrestrial biological entity) from Planet SERPO, Project SERPO – UFOnews blog.
Among the evidences of the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations on our planet, there is information from official protagonists, who took part in the long history of contact between these intelligences and governmental bodies on Earth. These are testimonies from people who were to a greater or lesser degree involved in unofficial or top secret programs of contact with aliens, and who come to the public and reveal to the world the extraterrestial reality. As horrifying as they may be, these statements bear the seal of credibility of the protagonists, most often political leaders, high-ranking officials, high-ranking military personnel, or renowned scientists, who would have nothing to gain from exposing facts that, in the exercise of their duties, they were led to witness and that they agreed to cover up.
Such is the case with Philip Corso, who was a member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and director of the US Armed Forces Research and Development Division. He was directly and in a privileged way receiver of top secret information, with the task of understanding what were the spaceships, artifacts and beings found in the different locations of the alien accident in Roswell. This effort to understand had the main objective of evaluating the degree of threat represented, and the appropriation of the technology recovered from the wreckage, aiming at the technological and military advancement of the USA.
In his book, The Day after Roswell, Corso tells how, during the Cold War, the extraterrestrial presence tipped the balance between the US and USSR, and determined the directions of reverse engineering of the artifacts and devices found at Roswell, leading to a technological leap with microchips in integrated circuits, fiber optics, and lasers, and reports at length on the EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), the beings representing the civilization whose ships crashed in New Mexico.
The astounding adventure that Philip Corso tells in his book must be situated in its historical context. We are at the time of the Cold War – subsequent to the Second World War and which opposed two hegemonic political blocks on the planet, the USA and the USSR – and of the space fold that, according to the Ummites, allowed different civilizations to visit Earth between 1943 and 1978. The threat of highly advanced technologies and competition for planetary dominance led to the space race, in a context of cover-up and espionage, each bloc seeking to absorb these new technologies to the detriment of the other. We can see at a glance the work of genius madmen, gathered together in departments of the American government, a moment in tacit agreement with the USSR against a possible attack from an extraterrestrial civilization, a moment each bloc looking after its own kitchen of destruction of human civilization.
Anthropology is the science of our academic formation that we most call upon to study Ufology. It leads our interest to the investigation of other humanities, in the search for objective knowledge about the beings and civilizations that have visited planet Earth since time immemorial. Who are these beings? What are they made of? How are they born, live and die? How do they think? What do they think? How is their civilization? We need to prepare ourselves to deal with the enormous biological, cultural and psychic differences that will intervene in the contact with another extraterrestrial human species.
One of the ways to study this Exoanthropology is by approaching the creations of science fiction, thus exploring our human capacity to project, through the imagination, realities that go far beyond ourselves. If the contact is with human beings, these projections may correspond to future contact realities, confirming the quotation by Roman poet, Publius Terentius, “I am a human being, and thus nothing human is alien to me”.
We know how prophetic science fiction has been in much of what it invents in terms of future science, there is the classic example of Jules Verne, whose work projected man in space travel, on television, in talk movies, in the helicopter, and so on, at a time when these things were unthinkable and considered impossible to be accomplished.
Another way to approach extraterrestrial anthropology, and the one we apply in this article, is to privilege the reports and descriptions of witnesses who, somehow, were in direct contact with beings from these alien humanities and who have a high level of credibility and consistency for constructing the case. We consider these highly credible reports to be very interesting sources, as they would deal with an objective reality, of allegedly real beings. In case they are not real, if they are simply inventions of countless highly credible witnesses, we would fall into the field of science fiction.
The public credibility of Philip Corso, owner of a brilliant and unassailable military career, confirms Roswell as one of the biggest cases in world Ufology, supported by a set of facts covering a large number of witnesses, by the unprecedented recovery of living and dead beings, by material remains, for the consequences of reverse engineering for our own technological advancement, and also for the enormous cover-up apparatus put into action for decades. The author’s credibility and the consistency of the Roswell case make The Day After Roswell a valuable source for discovering who this other humanity is, who are these people (?) who came to lose their lives on a distant planet. This is a fundamental question for humanity to obtain the necessary knowledge to establish contact with another human species, knowledge of their particularities, their differences and also their similarity to us.
EBEs recovered from the crash site, Roswell, 1947
Philip Corso weaves in his appalling book an inconceivable web of testimonies and secret reports that make up a portrait of the extraterrestrial humanity found in Roswell. To restore the entire context of an unprecedented event, Corso collected statements from third parties present at the scene of the accident and at Air Base 509 to where the beings recovered at the crash site were taken.
Steve Arnold was in New Mexico desert together with the rescue team from Base 509. There he found a small being still alive and struggling on the ground:
“Arnold rushed toward him and saw him trembling and then the being cried out, which he didn’t hear through the ears, but he felt a great sadness as the little character convulsed on the ground, his disproportionate oval head moving left and right, as if trying to reach for something to breathe.” He still managed to get up perhaps trying to escape. It was then that Arnold heard a sentry shout:”Halt! (…) A burst of shots was fired by the nervous soldiers, and the little character tried to stand, but fell back down at the foot of the hill, like a rag doll.”
Firefighter Dan Dwyer, also present at the accident scene, informed Corso that he observed the EBE’s characteristics: “This being was the size of a child, but it wasn’t. No child has such a disproportionate, balloon-shaped head. He didn’t even look like a human, though he had some features. It had large dark eyes separated by a downward slit. His nose and mouth were particularly fine, almost simple slits, and his ears were just notches on the sides of his huge head. Under the spotlights, Dwyer could see that the creature was a grayish brown, and entirely hairless, and that he stared at him like a helpless animal caught in a trap. He made no sound, but Dwyer understood he knew he was dying. He continued to look at him in astonishment, while he was put onto the truck by two soldiers (…)”
The being was also observed by Roy Danzer when the convoy returned to the Base: “He looked at the soldiers passing in front of him and then he saw a strange being tied to a stretcher carried by two soldiers.Their gazes met. Roy understood instantly that it was not a human being. It was a creature from somewhere else. The pleading expression of that face, which occupied only a small part of an enormous head, as well as the suffering felt inwardly by Roy when seeing this being, made him understand that this being was living his last moments. He didn’t speak and barely moved, but Roy saw, or thought have seen , an expression cross the small face. In the next instant, the creature had disappeared, transported inside the hospital by nurses, who cast a hostile look at the firefighter in passing.”
The first interesting fact from these reports is the recovery of an extraterrestrial being still alive, witnessed by different people. In these three reports, we have an accurate description of the morphology of an EBE, but, above all, we have a description of his humanity, which is communicated by the identity of communicable feelings between species. These feelings that the EBE transmitted by telepathy, echoed in the minds of witnesses because they are well known to us, such as fear, vulnerability, despair, sadness, awareness of death, arousing compassion in the earthly observers. The alive recovered EBE, with the appearance of a deformed child, has at least this emotional affinity with us.
Philip Corso and the EBEs
We now turn to the first-hand account of Philip Corso himself, who claims not only to have personally seen one of the EBEs, recovered dead, but to have analyzed the autopsy reports of the bodies found, making the information about the physical and psychic characteristics of the Extraterrestrial Biological Entities more complex.
On July 6, 1947, during a routine check at the veterinary service at Fort Riley Military Base, Corso was urged by a subordinate to look at something top-secret and terrifying: “I then lowered the lamp and looked inside. What I saw really sickened me, to the point that I almost threw up right away. It was indeed a coffin, but an unusual model. Its content, enclosed in a large, thick glass container, was submerged in a thick, pale blue liquid, almost as heavy as a diesel gel solution. In fact, the object floated, or rather was in suspension, rather than resting on the bottom, and it was smooth and shiny like a fish’s belly.”
At first glance, he also thought it was the corpse of a child, but then he realized that it was a human-shaped figure, a meter long, with arms and strange hands with six fingers and no thumbs, with thin legs and a “disproportionate and glowing head, in the shape of an electric lamp, which seemed to float above the chin, like a balloon in its basket. Despite all my reticence, I had an impulse to lift the lid of the container and touch the pale gray skin of the creature that was inside there laying. I wouldn’t have been able to tell if it was really skin, because it also seemed to be a very thin, one-piece fabric, covering this creature’s body from head to toe.” Corso observed neither pupils, nor irises, nor anything resembling human eyes, and he thought that the creature’s eyeballs had rolled into its head: “The eyeballs themselves were of disproportionate size and almond-shaped, the tips of which were directed toward a tiny nose, which was not exactly prominent, like that of a child whose nose had not developed. They were practically nostrils. The size of the head was disproportionate “to the point that all facial features only occupied a small circle at the bottom of the head. No prominent ears, as in humans, no defined cheeks, no eyebrows, nor any hair on the face. The mouth, completely closed, was just a thin slit and looked more like a fold or indentation between the nose and the lower part of the chinless face than a perfectly functional orifice.” The body looked intact. He observed no skin laceration or grayish tissue.
More startling information was compiled by Corso in the report he made to the Pentagon from the EBE autopsy reports. We can read that “the organs, bones, and composition of the epidermis of this being differ from ours. The heart and lungs are larger than those of a human. The bones are thinner, but they look stronger, as if the atoms were arranged differently to create a greater tensile force. The skin also reveals a different atomic alignment, as if it should protect vital organs from cosmic rays, waves or gravitational forces that are still unknown to us.” According to Corso, the medical examiners were more impressed by the similarity than by differences with us, humans from Earth.
With the rapid deterioration of the creature’s organs, the coroners could not fully understand the structure of the heart, but they established that it did not function like a human heart, because it had both a reserve function and a blood pumping function, with internal muscles similar to a diaphragm, suggesting that the heart worked with much less intensity and energy consumption, an adaptation for the survival of creatures living in a reduced gravitational field.
Corso compares the EBE’s lungs to camels’ hump, as they had the function of storing the entire atmosphere he breathed in, releasing it very slowly into the respiratory system. The combined functioning of heart and lungs implies a very slow metabolism, suggesting that the EBE’s body was perhaps the result of genetic engineering, designed for long distance travel.
The analysis of bones also goes in the direction of this hypothesis. The bones were fibrous, thinner, more flexible and resistant than human bones, suggesting that they would act as a buffer for travelers subjected to severe physical trauma on very long distance journeys.
Wright Field’s analysis of the spacecraft failed to clarify how these creatures sustained themselves on their long-distance travels. No place to store or prepare food was found, as well as nothing related to waste treatment.
The coroners were unable to understand the EBE’s chemical functioning, but it was clear that it did not contain any unknown chemical elements, but it did have different combinations of organic compounds that were interesting to be studied.
Blood appeared as a kind of fluid, also serving to regulate bodily functions, like the glandular secretions in humans: “In these biological entities, the blood and lymphatic systems seem to be combined. In addition, there was an exchange of nutrients or waste within these systems, and this exchange could only take place through the epidermis of these creatures or their outer protective coating, because they had neither a digestive system nor a waste evacuation system.”
The coroner’s report revealed that the entity’s body was completely covered by a protective cover, showing atomic alignments similar to those of spider webs. The flexibility and strength of the strange envelope suggests protection against the bombardment of subatomic particles inside the ship.
The entity’s skin fascinated the coroners, looking like a “thin layer of an adipose tissue”, which was unknown tissue and totally permeable, crediting the chemical exchange between the blood system and the lymphatic system.
The EBE spacecraft characteristics led to the hypothesis that they would be biological robots designed for long-distance travel. The absence of food preparation and storage facilities, as well as waste treatment, in the recovered spacecraft, suggested that these devices were not needed, that this object would be for patrolling and observation, and that it would regularly return to a mother spacecraft.
Coroners placed great importance on the size and nature of EBE’s brain anatomy, intrigued by the telepathic faculties reported by witnesses. The brain had already begun to deteriorate by the time it was examined, and the absence of tomography and ultrasound scans in 1947 prevented an assessment of the nature of the cranial lobes: “So despite all the speculations about the nature of these creatures’ brains – thought projection, psychokinesic powers – there was no proof of any of this and the reports were pretty poor in actual scientific data.”
So, we were able to make a very general sketch of the characteristics of the EBEs recovered in Roswell. Evidently, this sketch should lead directly to the reading of the very interesting book The Day After Roswell, where many others more interesting details about this extraterrestrial human species are inferred from the analysis of the technological devices found.
Questions about the EBEs recovered in Roswell
In Philip Corso’s book, the reconstruction of the EBE was made from the morbid scene of the accident in New Mexico, with bodies that decomposed quickly, making difficult the analysis and a conclusive understanding of what exactly the recovered beings were. Along with coroners and engineers who examined beings and material remains, Corso hypothesizes that the EBE would be a biological robot, conceived for long space travels, due to the very slow metabolism revealed by its physical characteristics. The analysis of the spacecraft and the devices found in it also led to the hypothesis that the beings would be an integral part of the spacecraft’s propulsion system, commanded by its brain waves.
The main exoanthropological question that arises is: what is the humanity status of feelings transmitted telepathically to observers? Why would a biological robot, lacking a digestive tract, be programmed to have and transmit feelings?
Philip Corso’s statements, while being the most reliable among the testimony of top US government officials, are not the only ones about the crashed EBEs in Roswell. Also, a group of former DIA (defense intelligence agency) employees, created a website, in 2005, www.serpo.com, to publish the consequences of the Roswell accident, based on contact with the creature found alive.
We can assume that this would be the surviving creature, called Extraterrestrial Biological Entity 1, EBE 1, whose adventure on Earth we can read in our article The long-term Contact, or they are already among us, published in number 1 of this already prestigious Cosmovni Magazine. We analyzed the information about EBEs contained in www.serpo.com, where they appear very alive and interacting with humans on their own planet of origin. Would the EBEs found dead, in those crashed spacecraft, be biological robots of the beings we found alive on serpo.com?
Inexhaustible wealth of Ufology, everything remains to be learned!
Rio de Janeiro, May 24, 2021.